Collaboration diagram for GUI:


class  AboutDialog
 Dialog providing Information about the Program, Authors, Licence, Contributers etc. More...
class  AlgorithmWidget
 The GUI widget for algorithm selection and configuration. More...
class  ChooseDatasetsDialog
 Provides an Interface where all the currently loaded datasets can be selected. More...
class  ChooseViewsDialog
 Dialog to enable customized overviews. More...
class  ConfigWidget
 The base class for displaying a widget where users may set algorithm configuration options via gui interaction. More...
class  DatasetConfigurationTabWidget
 Manages the tab widget for the dataset specific configuration. More...
class  DatasetItem
 Custom class that inherits QListWidgetItem. More...
class  DatasetsViewer
 ListWidget which shows the loaded datasets. More...
class  FirstStartSettingsDialog
 Provides an interface for initial settings. More...
class  MainWindow
 The GUI for the main window of imedgine. More...
class  AlgorithmSettingsWidget
 User interface for the settings concerning the algorithms. More...
class  CustomWindowLevelField
 User interface for settings concerning window and level. More...
class  SettingsDialog
 Provides the UI for the settings. More...
class  SettingsWidgetInterface
 Interface for all settings widgets. More...
class  WindowLevelSettingsWidget
 The user interface concerning the settings of window and level. More...
class  TabOrganizer
 Organizes the tabbing, provides the close and open buttons. More...
class  ViewContainerWidget
 This widget is used to manage a given number of views and place it into the GUI. More...
class  MetaVolumePixelDataViewer
 The viewer that manages communication with the 3D voxel dataset metadata view. More...

Generated on Sun Aug 13 18:19:51 2006 for iMEDgine by  doxygen 1.4.6