
Collaboration diagram for Views:


class  ImagePixelView
 The class for a view of an 2 dimensional pixel image. More...
class  ImedgineImageViewer
 The viewer used to display pixel images. More...
class  ImedgineSliceViewer
 The viewer used to display pixel image slices. More...
class  ImedgineSpatialViewer
 The viewer used to display renderings of three dimensional pixel datasets. More...
class  ImedgineViewer
 The interface of all viewers (examiner viewers). More...
class  MetaVolumePixelDataViewer
 The viewer that manages communication with the 3D voxel dataset metadata view. More...
class  MetaVolumePixelView
 A view that shows meta information about a 3 dimensional pixel dataset. More...
class  PixelView
 The interface for all views of pixel datasets. More...
class  PolylineROI
 The class is responsible for creating and handling polyline region of interests. More...
class  ROIBase
 The base call for region of interests. More...
class  SlicePixelView
 The interface for all three types of slice views (XY, XZ, YZ) of three dimensional voxel datasets. More...
class  SpatialPixelView
 The view that displays renderings of 3 dimensional pixel datasets. More...
class  View
 The interface of all views. More...
class  ViewFactory
 Factory that returns the views TODO: Describe me. More...
class  VolumePixelView
 The interface for all views of 3 dimensional pixel datasets. More...
class  XYSliceView
 The interface for XY slice views of three dimensional voxel datasets. More...
class  XZSliceView
 The interface for XZ slice views of three dimensional voxel datasets. More...
class  YZSliceView
 The interface for YZ slice views of three dimensional voxel datasets. More...

Generated on Sun Aug 13 18:19:51 2006 for iMEDgine by  doxygen 1.4.6