
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //--------------------------------------------------
00012 //---------------------------------------------------
00015 #include "analyze_data_io.h"
00016 #include "../global/global_definitions.h"
00018 #include "one_byte_image_pixel_dataset.h"
00019 #include "two_byte_image_pixel_dataset.h"
00020 #include "four_byte_image_pixel_dataset.h"
00021 #include "one_byte_volume_pixel_dataset.h"
00022 #include "two_byte_volume_pixel_dataset.h"
00023 #include "four_byte_volume_pixel_dataset.h"
00025 #include <typeinfo>
00026 #include <itkAnalyzeImageIO.h>
00028 namespace imedgine 
00029 {
00030   AnalyzeDataIO::AnalyzeDataIO()
00031   {
00032   }
00034   //---------------------------------------------------
00036   AnalyzeDataIO::~AnalyzeDataIO()
00037   {
00038   }
00040   //---------------------------------------------------
00042   std::pair<dataset_pointer_type, dataset_type> 
00043       AnalyzeDataIO::loadDataset(std::string filename, dataset_key_type dataset_key)  
00044   {
00045     itk::AnalyzeImageIO::Pointer dataset_info = itk::AnalyzeImageIO::New();
00046     dataset_info->SetFileName(filename.c_str());
00047     dataset_info->ReadImageInformation();
00049 #ifdef DEBUG
00050       std::cout << "Num bytes per pixel: " << dataset_info->GetPixelStride() << std::endl
00051                 << "Num dimensions: " << dataset_info->GetNumberOfDimensions() << std::endl;
00052 #endif 
00054     // TODO: check if file is readable and throw exception if not
00056     pixel_dataset_pointer_type pixel_dataset;
00057     dataset_type type = UNDEF_DATASET;
00060     switch (dataset_info->GetPixelStride())
00061     {
00062       case 1 :
00063       {
00064         switch (dataset_info->GetNumberOfDimensions())
00065         {
00066           case 2 :
00067           {  
00068             pixel_dataset = 
00069                 this->read<OneByteImagePixelDataset>(filename, dataset_key);
00070             type = ONE_BYTE_IMAGE_PIXEL_DATASET;
00071             break;
00072           }
00073           case 3 :
00074           { 
00075             pixel_dataset = 
00076                 this->read<OneByteVolumePixelDataset>(filename, dataset_key);
00077             type = ONE_BYTE_VOLUME_PIXEL_DATASET;
00078             break;
00079           }
00080         }
00081         break;
00082       }
00083       case 2 :
00084       {
00085         switch (dataset_info->GetNumberOfDimensions())
00086         {
00087           case 2 :
00088           {
00089             pixel_dataset = 
00090                 this->read<TwoByteImagePixelDataset>(filename, dataset_key);
00091             break;
00092             type = TWO_BYTE_IMAGE_PIXEL_DATASET;
00093           }
00094           case 3 :
00095           { 
00096             pixel_dataset = 
00097                 this->read<TwoByteVolumePixelDataset>(filename, dataset_key);
00098             type = TWO_BYTE_VOLUME_PIXEL_DATASET;
00099             break;
00100           }
00101         }
00102         break;
00103       }
00104       case 4 :
00105       {
00106         switch (dataset_info->GetNumberOfDimensions())
00107         {
00108           case 2 :
00109           {
00110             pixel_dataset = 
00111                 this->read<FourByteImagePixelDataset>(filename, dataset_key);
00112             type = FOUR_BYTE_IMAGE_PIXEL_DATASET;
00113             break;
00114           }
00115           case 3 :
00116           { 
00117             pixel_dataset = 
00118                 this->read<FourByteVolumePixelDataset>(filename, dataset_key);
00119             type = FOUR_BYTE_VOLUME_PIXEL_DATASET;
00120             break;
00121           }
00122         }
00123         break;
00124       }
00125     }
00127     for (unsigned char dim_index = 0; 
00128          dim_index < dataset_info->GetNumberOfDimensions(); ++dim_index)
00129     {
00130       // set initial focus point positionController    
00131       pixel_dataset->setFocusPointAt(
00132           dim_index, static_cast<index_type>(
00133           static_cast<double>(pixel_dataset->getSize()[dim_index]) / 2.0)); 
00135 #ifdef DEBUG
00136       std::cout << "Dataset size dimension " << dim_index << " : " << 
00137           static_cast<index_type>(
00138             static_cast<double>(pixel_dataset->getSize()[X_DIMENSION]) / 2.0) << std::endl;
00139 #endif
00140     }
00142     return(std::make_pair(
00143         dataset_pointer_type(pixel_dataset), type));
00144   }
00146   //---------------------------------------------------
00148   void AnalyzeDataIO::writeDataset(dataset_pointer_type dataset, std::string filename)
00149       throw(InvalidCastException)
00150   {
00151     pixel_dataset_pointer_type pixel_dataset(
00152         dataset, boost::detail::dynamic_cast_tag());
00154     if (pixel_dataset.get() == 0)
00155     {
00156       throw(InvalidCastException("AnalyzeDataIO::writeDataset", "dataset_pointer_type", 
00157             "pixel_dataset_pointer_type"));
00158     }
00160     switch (pixel_dataset->getNumBytesPerPixel())
00161     {
00162       case 1 :
00163       {
00164         switch (pixel_dataset->getNumDimensions())
00165         {
00166           case 2 :
00167           {
00168             one_byte_image_pixel_dataset_pointer_type one_byte_image(
00169                 pixel_dataset, boost::detail::dynamic_cast_tag());
00170             if (one_byte_image.get() == 0)
00171             {
00172               throw(InvalidCastException("AnalyzeDataIO::writeDataset", "pixel_dataset_pointer_type", 
00173                     "one_byte_image_pixel_dataset_pointer_type"));
00174             }
00175             this->write(one_byte_image, filename);
00176             break;
00177           }
00178           case 3 :
00179           {
00180             one_byte_volume_pixel_dataset_pointer_type one_byte_volume(
00181                 pixel_dataset, boost::detail::dynamic_cast_tag());
00182             if (one_byte_volume.get() == 0)
00183             {
00184               throw(InvalidCastException("AnalyzeDataIO::writeDataset", "pixel_dataset_pointer_type", 
00185                     "one_byte_volume_pixel_dataset_pointer_type"));
00186             }
00187             this->write(one_byte_volume, filename);
00188             break;
00189           }
00190         }
00191         break;
00192       }
00193       case 2 :
00194       {
00195         switch (pixel_dataset->getNumDimensions())
00196         {
00197           case 2 :
00198           {
00199             two_byte_image_pixel_dataset_pointer_type two_byte_image(
00200                 pixel_dataset, boost::detail::dynamic_cast_tag());
00201             if (two_byte_image.get() == 0)
00202             {
00203               throw(InvalidCastException("AnalyzeDataIO::writeDataset", "pixel_dataset_pointer_type", 
00204                     "two_byte_image_pixel_dataset_pointer_type"));
00205             }
00206             this->write(two_byte_image, filename);
00207             break;
00208           }
00209           case 3 :
00210           {
00211             two_byte_volume_pixel_dataset_pointer_type two_byte_volume(
00212                 pixel_dataset, boost::detail::dynamic_cast_tag());
00213             if (two_byte_volume.get() == 0)
00214             {
00215               throw(InvalidCastException("AnalyzeDataIO::writeDataset", "pixel_dataset_pointer_type", 
00216                     "two_byte_volume_pixel_dataset_pointer_type"));
00217             }
00218             this->write(two_byte_volume, filename);
00219             break;
00220           }
00221         }
00222         break;
00223       }
00224       case 4 :
00225       {
00226         switch (pixel_dataset->getNumDimensions())
00227         {
00228           case 2 :
00229           {
00230             four_byte_image_pixel_dataset_pointer_type four_byte_image(
00231                 pixel_dataset, boost::detail::dynamic_cast_tag());
00232             if (four_byte_image.get() == 0)
00233             {
00234               throw(InvalidCastException("AnalyzeDataIO::writeDataset", "pixel_dataset_pointer_type", 
00235                     "four_byte_image_pixel_dataset_pointer_type"));
00236             }
00237             this->write(four_byte_image, filename);
00238             break;
00239           }
00240           case 3 :
00241           {
00242             four_byte_volume_pixel_dataset_pointer_type four_byte_volume(
00243                 pixel_dataset, boost::detail::dynamic_cast_tag());
00244             if (four_byte_volume.get() == 0)
00245             {
00246               throw(InvalidCastException("AnalyzeDataIO::writeDataset", "pixel_dataset_pointer_type", 
00247                     "four_byte_volume_pixel_dataset_pointer_type"));
00248             }
00249             this->write(four_byte_volume, filename);
00250             break;
00251           }
00252         }
00253         break;
00254       }
00255     }
00258   }
00259 }

Generated on Sun Aug 13 18:19:38 2006 for iMEDgine by  doxygen 1.4.6