Classes | |
class | Algorithm |
The abstract algorithm interface. More... | |
class | AlgorithmConfig |
the configuration for algorithms. Contains a container of AlgorithmDefinition s as well as methods to access them and a list of present algorithm names. More... | |
class | AlgorithmDefinition |
A single algorithm's definition as read from the configuration XML. More... | |
class | AlgorithmFactory |
The algorithm factory is responsible for creating new instances of Algorithms, Configrations and ConfigWidgets. More... | |
class | Configuration |
Base class for configuration properties of an algorithm. More... | |
class | DatasetDefinition |
Definition of a single dataset with id, name and dimensions, as read from configuration XML. More... | |
class | AlgorithmInterface |
Defines the interface an algorithm plugin has. More... | |
class | TestAlgorithm |
Test of algorithm interface, a dummy algorithm. More... | |
class | TestAlgorithmPlugin |
the concrete plugin for ThresholdAlgorithm, providing the methods to create ThresholdAlgorithm, ThresholdConfiguration and ThresholdConfigWidget More... | |
class | TestConfiguration |
Test of configuration interface. More... | |
class | TestConfigWidget |
class | ThresholdAlgorithm |
An algorithm that sets the values of all pixel that are beyond a user defined value range to a user defined default pixel value. More... | |
class | ThresholdConfigWidget |
the implementation of ConfigWidget for the ThresholdAlgorithm. Provides sliders to set minimum, maximum and default grey values More... | |
class | ThresholdConfiguration |
The configuration settings that a ThresholdAlgorithm needs and that are set with a ThresholdConfigWidget. More... | |
class | ThresholdPlugin |
the concrete plugin for TestAlgorithm, providing the methods to create TestAlgorithm, TestConfiguration and TestConfigWidget More... | |
class | ConfigHandler |
the handler doing the actual parsing of iMEDgine's configuration.xml file which defines Algorithms and their properties More... | |
class | ConfigParser |
the parser providing a method to parse iMEDgines configuration.xml file. More... | |
class | Controller |
The main application control. More... | |
class | DataViewMediator |
Mediator between datasets and their dependent views. More... | |
class | AnalyzeDataIO |
The data importer / exporter for the ANALYZE data format. More... | |
class | DataIO |
The interface for data importer/exporters. More... | |
class | DataIOFactory |
The factory that provides concrete data importers / exporters given a file extension. More... | |
class | Dataset |
The abstract interface for arbitrary datasets. More... | |
class | FourByteImagePixelDataset |
Datasets with 2 dimensions and a pixel type of size 4. More... | |
class | FourByteVolumePixelDataset |
Pixel datasets with 3 dimensions and an internal pixel type of size four. More... | |
class | ImagePixelDataset |
Datasets with 2 dimensions. More... | |
class | Metadata |
The abstract interface for arbitrary metadata. More... | |
class | OneByteImagePixelDataset |
Datasets with 2 dimensions and a pixel type of size 1. More... | |
class | OneByteVolumePixelDataset |
Pixel datasets with 3 dimensions and an internal pixel type of size one byte. More... | |
class | PixelDataset |
The interface for pixel datasets. More... | |
class | PixelMetadata |
The abstract interface for arbitrary metadata. More... | |
class | TwoByteImagePixelDataset |
Datasets with 2 dimensions and a pixel type of size 2. More... | |
class | TwoByteVolumePixelDataset |
Pixel datasets with 3 dimensions and an internal pixel type of size two. More... | |
class | VolumePixelDataset |
Pixel datasets with 3 dimensions. More... | |
class | AlgorithmFactoryException |
Exceptions of the algorithm factory. More... | |
class | AlgorithmNotFoundException |
Exception that is thrown if an algorithm is not found. More... | |
class | DatasetNotFoundException |
Exception for cases when datasets with a given key are not found. More... | |
class | Exception |
The base class for the exceptions. More... | |
class | FormatNotSupportedException |
Exception that is thrown when a format is not supported. More... | |
class | IndexOutOfBoundsException |
Exception that is thrown if an index gets out of bounds. More... | |
class | InvalidCastException |
Exception for invalid dynamic casts. More... | |
class | MetadataNotFoundException |
Exception that is thrown if metadata is not found. More... | |
class | NullPointerException |
Exception that is thrown if a null pointer occurs. More... | |
struct | InputDatasetAttributes |
The attributes of an input dataset. More... | |
class | Settings |
Singelton that provides global acces to setting. More... | |
class | AboutDialog |
Dialog providing Information about the Program, Authors, Licence, Contributers etc. More... | |
class | AlgorithmWidget |
The GUI widget for algorithm selection and configuration. More... | |
class | ChooseDatasetsDialog |
Provides an Interface where all the currently loaded datasets can be selected. More... | |
class | ChooseViewsDialog |
Dialog to enable customized overviews. More... | |
class | ConfigWidget |
The base class for displaying a widget where users may set algorithm configuration options via gui interaction. More... | |
class | DatasetConfigurationTabWidget |
Manages the tab widget for the dataset specific configuration. More... | |
class | DatasetItem |
Custom class that inherits QListWidgetItem. More... | |
class | DatasetsViewer |
ListWidget which shows the loaded datasets. More... | |
class | FirstStartSettingsDialog |
Provides an interface for initial settings. More... | |
class | MainWindow |
The GUI for the main window of imedgine. More... | |
class | AlgorithmSettingsWidget |
User interface for the settings concerning the algorithms. More... | |
class | CustomWindowLevelField |
User interface for settings concerning window and level. More... | |
class | SettingsDialog |
Provides the UI for the settings. More... | |
class | SettingsWidgetInterface |
Interface for all settings widgets. More... | |
class | WindowLevelSettingsWidget |
The user interface concerning the settings of window and level. More... | |
class | TabOrganizer |
Organizes the tabbing, provides the close and open buttons. More... | |
class | ViewContainerWidget |
This widget is used to manage a given number of views and place it into the GUI. More... | |
class | ImagePixelView |
The class for a view of an 2 dimensional pixel image. More... | |
class | ImedgineImageViewer |
The viewer used to display pixel images. More... | |
class | ImedgineSliceViewer |
The viewer used to display pixel image slices. More... | |
class | ImedgineSpatialViewer |
The viewer used to display renderings of three dimensional pixel datasets. More... | |
class | ImedgineViewer |
The interface of all viewers (examiner viewers). More... | |
class | MetaVolumePixelDataViewer |
The viewer that manages communication with the 3D voxel dataset metadata view. More... | |
class | MetaVolumePixelView |
A view that shows meta information about a 3 dimensional pixel dataset. More... | |
class | PixelView |
The interface for all views of pixel datasets. More... | |
class | PolylineROI |
The class is responsible for creating and handling polyline region of interests. More... | |
class | ROIBase |
The base call for region of interests. More... | |
class | SlicePixelView |
The interface for all three types of slice views (XY, XZ, YZ) of three dimensional voxel datasets. More... | |
class | SpatialPixelView |
The view that displays renderings of 3 dimensional pixel datasets. More... | |
class | View |
The interface of all views. More... | |
class | ViewFactory |
Factory that returns the views TODO: Describe me. More... | |
class | VolumePixelView |
The interface for all views of 3 dimensional pixel datasets. More... | |
class | XYSliceView |
The interface for XY slice views of three dimensional voxel datasets. More... | |
class | XZSliceView |
The interface for XZ slice views of three dimensional voxel datasets. More... | |
class | YZSliceView |
The interface for YZ slice views of three dimensional voxel datasets. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PixelDataset > | pixel_dataset_pointer_type |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ImagePixelDataset > | image_pixel_dataset_pointer_type |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< VolumePixelDataset > | volume_pixel_dataset_pointer_type |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< OneByteImagePixelDataset > | one_byte_image_pixel_dataset_pointer_type |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< TwoByteImagePixelDataset > | two_byte_image_pixel_dataset_pointer_type |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< FourByteImagePixelDataset > | four_byte_image_pixel_dataset_pointer_type |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< OneByteVolumePixelDataset > | one_byte_volume_pixel_dataset_pointer_type |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< TwoByteVolumePixelDataset > | two_byte_volume_pixel_dataset_pointer_type |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< FourByteVolumePixelDataset > | four_byte_volume_pixel_dataset_pointer_type |
typedef unsigned char | one_byte_pixel_type |
typedef signed short | two_byte_pixel_type |
typedef float | four_byte_pixel_type |
typedef itk::Image< external_pixel_type, 2 > | external_image_type |
typedef itk::Image< one_byte_pixel_type, 2 > | one_byte_image_type |
typedef itk::Image< two_byte_pixel_type, 2 > | two_byte_image_type |
typedef itk::Image< four_byte_pixel_type, 2 > | four_byte_image_type |
typedef one_byte_image_type::Pointer | one_byte_image_pointer_type |
typedef one_byte_image_type::Pointer const | const_one_byte_image_pointer_type |
typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator< one_byte_image_type > | one_byte_image_iterator_type |
typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator< one_byte_image_type > | const_one_byte_image_iterator_type |
typedef two_byte_image_type::Pointer | two_byte_image_pointer_type |
typedef two_byte_image_type::Pointer const | const_two_byte_image_pointer_type |
typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator< two_byte_image_type > | two_byte_image_iterator_type |
typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator< two_byte_image_type > | const_two_byte_image_iterator_type |
typedef four_byte_image_type::Pointer | four_byte_image_pointer_type |
typedef four_byte_image_type::Pointer const | const_four_byte_image_pointer_type |
typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator< four_byte_image_type > | four_byte_image_iterator_type |
typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator< four_byte_image_type > | const_four_byte_image_iterator_type |
typedef itk::Image< one_byte_pixel_type, 3 > | one_byte_volume_type |
typedef itk::Image< two_byte_pixel_type, 3 > | two_byte_volume_type |
typedef itk::Image< four_byte_pixel_type, 3 > | four_byte_volume_type |
typedef itk::Image< external_pixel_type, 3 > | external_volume_type |
typedef external_volume_type::Pointer | external_volume_pointer_type |
typedef one_byte_volume_type::Pointer | one_byte_volume_pointer_type |
typedef one_byte_volume_type::Pointer const | const_one_byte_volume_pointer_type |
typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator< one_byte_volume_type > | one_byte_volume_iterator_type |
typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator< one_byte_volume_type > | const_one_byte_volume_iterator_type |
typedef two_byte_volume_type::Pointer | two_byte_volume_pointer_type |
typedef two_byte_volume_type::Pointer const | const_two_byte_volume_pointer_type |
typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator< two_byte_volume_type > | two_byte_volume_iterator_type |
typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator< two_byte_volume_type > | const_two_byte_volume_iterator_type |
typedef four_byte_volume_type::Pointer | four_byte_volume_pointer_type |
typedef four_byte_volume_type::Pointer const | const_four_byte_volume_pointer_type |
typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator< four_byte_volume_type > | four_byte_volume_iterator_type |
typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator< four_byte_volume_type > | const_four_byte_volume_iterator_type |
typedef std::string | dataset_key_type |
typedef std::vector< dataset_key_type > | dataset_key_container_type |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Dataset > | dataset_pointer_type |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Metadata > | metadata_pointer_type |
typedef std::map< std::string, metadata_pointer_type > | metadata_container_type |
typedef enum _dataset_type_ | dataset_type |
typedef enum _dataset_attribute_type_ | dataset_attribute_type |
typedef unsigned char | external_pixel_type |
typedef unsigned char | one_byte_pixel_type |
typedef signed short | two_byte_pixel_type |
typedef float | four_byte_pixel_type |
typedef external_pixel_type * | external_data_pointer_type |
typedef external_pixel_type const * | const_external_data_pointer_type |
typedef unsigned int | index_type |
typedef std::vector< index_type > | dataset_position_type |
The type for a n-dimensional position within the volume. | |
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< double > | matrix_type |
The type for transformation matrices. | |
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::identity_matrix< double > | identity_matrix_type |
The type for identity transformation matrices. | |
typedef std::vector< double > | offset_vector_type |
The type for a n-dimensional position within the volume. | |
typedef unsigned long | size_type |
The type for the number of pixels and container sizes. | |
typedef std::vector< double > | spacings_type |
The type for the pixel spacings of a dataset in every dimension. | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< View > | view_pointer_type |
The type for a pointer to a generic view. | |
typedef std::vector< unsigned int > | view_id_container_type |
The type for a container of unique view IDs. | |
typedef enum _view_type_ | view_type |
typedef enum _slice_type_ | slice_type |
typedef std::vector< float * > | region_of_interest_type |
typedef enum _exception_type_ | exception_type |
typedef std::multimap< std::string, std::string > | algorithm_name_container_type |
typedef ConfigWidget * | config_widget_pointer_type |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Configuration > | configuration_pointer_type |
typedef enum _dataset_part_type_ | dataset_part_type |
typedef std::string | config_dataset_id_type |
typedef std::map< config_dataset_id_type, InputDatasetAttributes > | config_dataset_id_to_input_map_type |
typedef std::map< config_dataset_id_type, dataset_type > | config_dataset_id_to_output_map_type |
typedef enum _gui_interaction_mode_type_ | gui_interaction_mode_type |
typedef _view_mode_type_ | view_mode_type |
Enumerations | |
enum | _dataset_type_ |
enum | _dataset_attribute_type_ |
enum | _view_type_ |
All possible types of views. | |
enum | _slice_type_ |
All possible types of slices. | |
enum | _exception_type_ |
All possible types of exceptions. | |
enum | _dataset_part_type_ |
The possible parts of a dataset that may be used as input for algorithms. | |
enum | _gui_interaction_mode_type_ |
GUI section. | |
enum | PopupMenuItemSpatialID |
enum | ViewMode |
enum | Color |
enum | _view_mode_type_ |
enum | PopupMenuItemSliceID |
Functions | |
bool | operator== (matrix_type matrix, identity_matrix_type identity_matrix) |
bool | operator!= (matrix_type matrix, identity_matrix_type identity_matrix) |
void | sliceSliderPositionChangedCB (void *data, SoSensor *sensor) |
void | transparencySliderPositionChangedCB (void *data, SoSensor *sensor) |
template<class ViewType> | |
view_pointer_type | createView () |
The mapping from configuration file dataset IDs to the input data chosen by the application user. The input data specification consists of the unique key of the dataset to use, the part of the dataset to use and the specification, whether the the input dataset will be modified by the algorithm (is_in_place == true) Definition at line 229 of file global_definitions.h. |
The mapping from configuration file dataset IDs to the output dataset type derived from the application users' input dataset choice. Definition at line 235 of file global_definitions.h. |
The type for unique dataset IDs that allow the identification of datasets that have been defined in the algorithm configuration file Definition at line 212 of file global_definitions.h. |
The type used to represent the number pixel index positions Definition at line 87 of file global_definitions.h. |
The type for regions of interest selected by the application user. Definition at line 161 of file global_definitions.h. |
Callback function that reports whenever a slider is moved.
Definition at line 709 of file imedgine_slice_viewer.cpp. References ImedgineSliceViewer::getSliceSliderDragger(). Referenced by ImedgineSliceViewer::ImedgineSliceViewer(). Here is the call graph for this function: |
Callback function that reports whenever the slider is moved that handles the fading of transparency in a hybrid view.
Definition at line 740 of file imedgine_slice_viewer.cpp. References ImedgineSliceViewer::getTransparencySliderDragger(). Referenced by ImedgineSliceViewer::ImedgineSliceViewer(). Here is the call graph for this function: |