iMEDgine Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AboutDialogDialog providing Information about the Program, Authors, Licence, Contributers etc
AlgorithmThe abstract algorithm interface
AlgorithmConfigConfiguration for algorithms. Contains a container of AlgorithmDefinitions as well as methods to access them and a list of present algorithm names
AlgorithmDefinitionA single algorithm's definition as read from the configuration XML
AlgorithmFactoryThe algorithm factory is responsible for creating new instances of Algorithms, Configrations and ConfigWidgets
AlgorithmFactoryExceptionExceptions of the algorithm factory
AlgorithmInterfaceDefines the interface an algorithm plugin has
AlgorithmNotFoundExceptionException that is thrown if an algorithm is not found
AlgorithmSettingsWidgetUser interface for the settings concerning the algorithms
AlgorithmWidgetThe GUI widget for algorithm selection and configuration
AnalyzeDataIOThe data importer / exporter for the ANALYZE data format
ChooseDatasetsDialogProvides an Interface where all the currently loaded datasets can be selected
ChooseViewsDialogDialog to enable customized overviews
ConfigHandlerHandler doing the actual parsing of iMEDgine's configuration.xml file which defines Algorithms and their properties
ConfigParserParser providing a method to parse iMEDgines configuration.xml file
ConfigurationBase class for configuration properties of an algorithm
ConfigWidgetThe base class for displaying a widget where users may set algorithm configuration options via gui interaction
ControllerThe main application control
CustomWindowLevelFieldUser interface for settings concerning window and level
DataIOThe interface for data importer/exporters
DataIOFactoryThe factory that provides concrete data importers / exporters given a file extension
DatasetThe abstract interface for arbitrary datasets
DatasetConfigurationTabWidgetManages the tab widget for the dataset specific configuration
DatasetDefinitionDefinition of a single dataset with id, name and dimensions, as read from configuration XML
DatasetItemCustom class that inherits QListWidgetItem
DatasetNotFoundExceptionException for cases when datasets with a given key are not found
DatasetsViewerListWidget which shows the loaded datasets
DataViewMediatorMediator between datasets and their dependent views
ExceptionThe base class for the exceptions
FirstStartSettingsDialogProvides an interface for initial settings
FormatNotSupportedExceptionException that is thrown when a format is not supported
FourByteImagePixelDatasetDatasets with 2 dimensions and a pixel type of size 4
FourByteVolumePixelDatasetPixel datasets with 3 dimensions and an internal pixel type of size four
ImagePixelDatasetDatasets with 2 dimensions
ImagePixelViewThe class for a view of an 2 dimensional pixel image
ImedgineImageViewerThe viewer used to display pixel images
ImedgineSliceViewerThe viewer used to display pixel image slices
ImedgineSpatialViewerThe viewer used to display renderings of three dimensional pixel datasets
ImedgineViewerThe interface of all viewers (examiner viewers)
IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionException that is thrown if an index gets out of bounds
InputDatasetAttributesThe attributes of an input dataset
InvalidCastExceptionException for invalid dynamic casts
MainWindowThe GUI for the main window of imedgine
MetadataThe abstract interface for arbitrary metadata
MetadataNotFoundExceptionException that is thrown if metadata is not found
MetaVolumePixelDataViewerThe viewer that manages communication with the 3D voxel dataset metadata view
MetaVolumePixelViewA view that shows meta information about a 3 dimensional pixel dataset
NullPointerExceptionException that is thrown if a null pointer occurs
OneByteImagePixelDatasetDatasets with 2 dimensions and a pixel type of size 1
OneByteVolumePixelDatasetPixel datasets with 3 dimensions and an internal pixel type of size one byte
PixelDatasetThe interface for pixel datasets
PixelMetadataThe abstract interface for arbitrary metadata
PixelViewThe interface for all views of pixel datasets
PolylineROIThe class is responsible for creating and handling polyline region of interests
ROIBaseThe base call for region of interests
SettingsSingelton that provides global acces to setting
SettingsDialogProvides the UI for the settings
SettingsWidgetInterfaceInterface for all settings widgets
SlicePixelViewThe interface for all three types of slice views (XY, XZ, YZ) of three dimensional voxel datasets
SpatialPixelViewThe view that displays renderings of 3 dimensional pixel datasets
TabOrganizerOrganizes the tabbing, provides the close and open buttons
TestAlgorithmTest of algorithm interface, a dummy algorithm
TestAlgorithmPluginConcrete plugin for ThresholdAlgorithm, providing the methods to create ThresholdAlgorithm, ThresholdConfiguration and ThresholdConfigWidget
TestConfigurationTest of configuration interface
ThresholdAlgorithmAn algorithm that sets the values of all pixel that are beyond a user defined value range to a user defined default pixel value
ThresholdConfigurationThe configuration settings that a ThresholdAlgorithm needs and that are set with a ThresholdConfigWidget
ThresholdConfigWidgetImplementation of ConfigWidget for the ThresholdAlgorithm. Provides sliders to set minimum, maximum and default grey values
ThresholdPluginConcrete plugin for TestAlgorithm, providing the methods to create TestAlgorithm, TestConfiguration and TestConfigWidget
TwoByteImagePixelDatasetDatasets with 2 dimensions and a pixel type of size 2
TwoByteVolumePixelDatasetPixel datasets with 3 dimensions and an internal pixel type of size two
ViewThe interface of all views
ViewContainerWidgetThis widget is used to manage a given number of views and place it into the GUI
ViewFactoryFactory that returns the views TODO: Describe me
VolumePixelDatasetPixel datasets with 3 dimensions
VolumePixelViewThe interface for all views of 3 dimensional pixel datasets
WindowLevelSettingsWidgetThe user interface concerning the settings of window and level
XYSliceViewThe interface for XY slice views of three dimensional voxel datasets
XZSliceViewThe interface for XZ slice views of three dimensional voxel datasets
YZSliceViewThe interface for YZ slice views of three dimensional voxel datasets

Generated on Sun Aug 13 18:19:45 2006 for iMEDgine by  doxygen 1.4.6