algorithms Directory Reference



directory  libraries


file  algorithm.cpp [code]
 Impletation of algorithm.h.
file  algorithm.h [code]
 abstract base class for all algorithms.
file  algorithm_config.cpp [code]
 Implementation of algorithm_config.h.
file  algorithm_config.h [code]
 the configuration for algorithms. Contains a container of AlgorithmDefinitions as well as methods to access them and a list of present algorithm names.
file  algorithm_definition.cpp [code]
 Implementation of algorithm_definition.h.
file  algorithm_definition.h [code]
 A single algorithm's definition as read from the configuration XML.
file  algorithm_factory.cpp [code]
 implemetation of algorithm_factory.h
file  algorithm_factory.h [code]
file  configuration.cpp [code]
file  configuration.h [code]
file  dataset_definition.cpp [code]
 Implementation of dataset_definition.h.
file  dataset_definition.h [code]
 Definition of a single dataset with id, name and dimensions, as read from configuration XML.
file  interfaces.h [code]
 Defines the interface an algorithm plugin has to conform to.

Generated on Sun Aug 13 18:19:52 2006 for iMEDgine by  doxygen 1.4.6